由古至今, 搞婚外情的人, 绝大部分的是男性。
为什么? 因为女人都是从一而终的吗?
女人畏惧婚外情, 原因就在于那一纸婚书记载了的责任与承诺。
对于婚姻, 你可以把爱情看成是赠品, 婚姻的必需品是责任。
婚外情的原因有二: 一为情;二为欲。
这两个原因都会为搞婚外情的人带来快乐, 可是永远没有责任, 因为它从来没有被一纸婚书记载着。
女人, 由古至今都是承担责任的动物, 也是对承诺有着不可抗拒的命运。
签下那一张婚书, 就算将来不再爱了, 还是会因为那婚书记载了的责任于承诺而留下。
男人, 由古至今都是逃避责任的动物, 也是对情欲有着不可抗拒的命运。
虽然现代女人绝对有能力打破这种无聊的责任于承担, 做这种吃力不讨好的事情, 因为, 人们并不会因为女人的勇气而鼓掌、叫好而只会得到“淫娃”、“人尽可夫”的称号。
不管女人和“奸夫”之间的爱情是多么的凄美, 人们不会接受她。
可笑的是, 搞婚外情的男人总会得到人们的原谅, 不管他的借口是为情还是为欲。
为情的, 只要大声说自己是真的爱那女人, 再许下一辈子的承诺就可以了。
为欲的, 只要大声说自己只是玩玩而已, 再说几句对不起就可以了。
不管搞婚外情的是男还是女, 最后痛苦的都是女人。
只因一纸婚书, 女人承担的不止无尽的责任,承诺,还有痛苦。
婚姻, 是多么的神圣, 同时也是那么的可笑。
笑吧! 为自愿堕如婚姻这条不归路的女人而笑吧!
It makes you think.
Adapted from http://www.friendster.com/cyfoong on 31/7/2007.
the author- someone whom i know.
Dear my little Yean Yean,
how come you forced livon to adapt your blog?
why did you suddenly write something regarding affair?
it makes me so wonder...
anyway, marriage is used as an excuse to have affair with other people...
this is what i've observed...
male, at times, likes to take it for granted saying that his spouse does not understand him...
this is most primitive excuse used...
nv ren he ku wei nan nv ren?
hope you enjoy much with your study...
remember to give comment to my blogs...
see you...
Dear Xiao Pei Pei,
I didn't force her to adapt my blog, she did it voluntarily...
And by the way, the title is Livon's idea, she ask me to write on affair...
By the way, this is a good article, isn't it?
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